Visual Communication – Andy Lim Hansong

Goodness Gracious!


Project Description

This project is motivated by the call for Singaporeans to be more gracious and the increasing trend of ungraciousness observed in Singapore by employing a satirical approach, in the form of a board game to highlight the absurdity of some of the ungracious behaviours commonly observed in Singapore. The use of fines and penalties in the game is to get players to think about whether such coercive approach is effective and whether there is a need to implement fines and penalties system to curb ungraciousness in Singapore.

Project Type

Board Game Set


Board Game – 50 X 50
Box – 40.5 X 25.8 X 6.9


Classic Board Game


Andy’s design revolves around simplicity and practicality with the desire to explore different possibilities. He believes in observing humanities, understanding science, and appreciating aesthetics to identify phenomena that often go unnoticed, and to provide solutions through his design. He also enjoys engaging with different visual forms to express his ideas and connect with his audience.

During his free time, Andy enjoys watching movies and eating.

Contact 9816 5547

