话说浑沌 The Story of Chaos
话说浑沌 The Story of Chaos is a paper and plasticine
stop-motion animation that retells the humorous and whimsical
legend of Chaos from the revered Chinese text,
In a modern classroom, a
student learns of the gathering of Chaos and the Emperors of the
Northern and Southern seas. She reads the ancient text aloud to
her class. Yet, beneath the watchful eyes of her teacher, her
imaginative wanderings are curbed. There can be no mistakes in
her narration, no tangents to traverse, and no revisions to the
tale. She fumbles to keep her teacher’s corrective influence at
bay and loses sight of her chaos within.
Story of Chaos explores the stifling effects that education can
have and offers, in turn, a hopeful antidote to its perils.