Digital Animation – Khairunnisa’ Bte Shamsuri
Mosque Mosaic
Project Description
“Mosque Mosaic” is a series of images in sequence that are inspired by Islamic geometric patterns. It venerates both beauty and tranquility – impressions of the Paradise Garden. Simple yet majestic, with soothing music embedded into the flow, in order to capture serenity.
Additionally, the geometric design serves to explore the disparity of individuals that are still largely interconnected with the core of Islam. Metaphorically, our lives are interwoven like a spider’s web with the nucleus being our closest relationships that serve to guide us outwards. This is symbolically captured through the representation of repeated core designs, with each being a fragment unto a bigger picture, eventually merging into one complete art piece. A community is formed from individual, multi-cultural people.
Project Type
Motion Graphics
About 3 minutes
‘By appreciating the creations only then will you appreciate the Creator’
Khairunnisa’ holds these words close to her heart. The world is filled with colours and to be able to appreciate each and every intricate detail is a gift bequeathed by the Almighty. Though many defeating words have stung her ears, she refuses to be deterred and disgrace her love for the Arts.
Contact +65 8518 9020