Product Design – Rong Pei

Smart bicycle device


Project Description

Every year, there are many adventurous cyclists try to take two wheels to the ultimate touring destinations, Such as the Himalayas plateau, Nepal and Tibet region, Along the journey, they are riding from the snow-covered mountain to desert over muddy or gravel roads. Other than that, the oxygen-thin air in high elevation places, extreme weathers, and unknown routes are always putting their persistence and courage to the test, while threatening their safety at the same time. This design is a smart device to help them by providing the information about their  bodies and  environments.

Project Type



Rong Pei, a product design student. He focuses on designing products relating to user experiences. Besides, he is interested to incorporate traditional art form in modern design.  The three-year engineering-related studies in Polytechnic and four-year studies in ADM have molded him into a designer with eyes for engineering, aesthetics and usability. In his daily life, He loves experiencing things from different cultures. He believes that every design inspiration comes from the thinking, feeling and loving in the ways of life.

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