Digital Animation – Tao Kai Yuan
Project Description
“Trolled” is a 2D hand-drawn animated short film by a team of just two. The story is about two Mongolian barbarian hunters and their encounter with a mountain troll on their hunting trip, and revolves around the concept of peace and compassion as well as its significance in building relationships with others.
Project Type
2D Animated Film
Clara Lim Peck Khee, Tao Kai Yuan
About 4 minutes
Growing up with cartoons, comics and video games, Kai Yuan naturally became an animation lover with a keen interest in telling stories. Believing in character-driven narratives, he seeks to create memorable and loveable characters within interesting and diverse worlds. Although often described as a big person with a quiet disposition, his passion in his craft and childlike enthusiasm empowers him to continually improve and seek new heights in animation, comics and various other media. His latest project “Trolled” displays his aforementioned love of characters and an interest in traditional 2D animation.
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