Digital Animation – Toh Shu Yi Geraldine
Project Description
‘Affliction’ portrays the nightmares experienced by the unborn child of a pregnant woman. The latter, whose fears and psychological stress caused by domestic abuse, inevitably affects the fetus. Utilizing a mix of back-lit plasticine stop motion and visual effects, the abstract film takes viewers through different scenes of fears and struggles by both mother and fetus. Transient, surrealistic images and movements create new dimensions, inviting viewers to contemplate on an otherwise hidden conflict.
Project Type
Animation Film
Cordelia Lim Ni Jie, Toh Shu Yi Geraldine
About 3 minutes
Geraldine is an animator who specializes in stop motion animation and visual effects. She has a keen interest in traditional hands-on techniques albeit them requiring patience and a temperament for meticulous work as these works provide her with a greater sense of satisfaction. Her works and concepts draw from her life experiences and personal beliefs. Often, they utilize experimental and abstract styles due to their limitless potential for creativity and expression.
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