Digital Animation – Yew Ee Venn
Komet 瞬間
Project Description
Snow falls, star falls
One step, one beginning
Two worlds meet one
A trail to ever last
Butterfly city, never night city
Red light, green light
Ghosts of thousand faces
Beckoning from the wall
Good, bad, and ugly
Stone ocean, iron sky
Omens of million wings
The lady fortune frowns
So ends the pendulum
Farewell goodbye
An empty longing
For things long gone
-In memory of all good things-
Project Type
3D Animation
Lim Guo Jun, Yew Ee Venn
One moment
Ee Venn loves to “snack on” surreal animation and odd dreams. Her passion is in creating bizarre visual and moving images which naturally led her to the world of animation.
Nothing should stay constant and perfect. With this, Ee Venn believes that likewise, artists should never stay in the same spot, or within a particular comfort zone. Thus, she always tries to find new ways to express her dream-like visuals through various styles, media and platforms.
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