
Blue Bits: Archives of the Average Hour

Project Genre: Print and Installation

Project Description: “It’s not what happens that matters ­ it’s what the various happenings mean, the more banal the better; about how the most predictable happenings cause us to reflect in unpredictable directions, and to feel what we don’t admit to feeling in the course of our abbreviated interactions with others.”
– Alain De Botton, Writer and Philosopher

This project explores the retrospective value of the mundane moments in a life. Through extensive documentation over 2 months of my daily activity and that of 4 individuals with whom I interact regularly, a compiled volume of snippets ­– various ephemera and material – of these 2 months past have been put together, and will culminate into an art book and an installation space that serves as a reminder in keeping check and being present in the everyday.

Blue Bits: Archives of the Average Hour Screenshot 1
Blue Bits: Archives of the Average Hour Screenshot 2
Blue Bits: Archives of the Average Hour Screenshot 3

Previous student: Hsu Li

Next student: Kalaimathi D/o Mahendran